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[closed] Upgrade.Bat Old version and new version showing 3.0.0 ? This is a 5.0.2 server with 6.0 installed for upgrade

Erik Brown (1324) | asked Aug 20 '15, 5:00 p.m.
closed Apr 19 '18, 8:08 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
  I have IBM Rational DOORS JazzTeamServer and Requirements Manager installed at version 5.0.2.  We want to upgrade to newest version 6.0.

I've cloned the virtual servers and installed version 6.0 in a new directory.  I'm running the jts_upgrade.bat and getting the following results

Repo Tools Provisioning using "D:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer6\server\conf\jts\provision_profiles"  Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 6.0

CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "bundleresource://170.fwk1908371903:1/"
Validating JTS Configuration files...
Checking the old JTS version...
CRJAZ2132I the old JTS version is "3.0.0".
CRJAZ2624I The new JTS version is "3.0.0"
The old JTS version "3.0.0" is not supported version for this operation

The upgrade fails because it shows the new and old versions as the same and "3.0.0".  The old version is 5.0.2 and the new version is 6.0


Any insight into this would be most helpful.  This is the only IBM product in our stable so my knowledge on the system is entry level having built the original and now trying to upgrade it.

Thanks,  Erik

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by rschoon Apr 19 '18, 8:08 a.m.

4 answers

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Glenn Bardwell (58621527) | answered Aug 20 '15, 5:43 p.m.

The OldJTSVersion is determined by the value of the script parameter -oldJTSVersion or automatically by the repotools command repotools -version executed from the 5.02 system. See what the 5.0.2 system is returns if you run repotools-jts.bat -version. It should be 5.0.2.

I suspect that the repotools -version command in the old directory isn't exiting correctly. In this case it returns 3.0.

Is the -oldJTSHome set properly?  Setting the option -oldJTSVersion might be a workaround to the problem, but shouldn't be needed.

Erik Brown commented Aug 21 '15, 8:55 a.m. | edited Oct 20 '15, 6:44 p.m.

 repotools-jts.bat -version  returns = Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 5.0.2 

For the -oldJTSHome value, i have "d:\program files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf"

When the upgrade starts, it runs the repotools command to determine the new version and sees it as 6.0, however the next thing it does is loads the configuration from bundleresource://170.a;sldkfj;as:1/ and then validating JTS configuration files
Checking old version
The old version is 3.0.0
The new version is 3.0.0.....

And so the upgrade fails.  I'm wondering if the configuration its loading is the problem?  There is an error message when starting the jazzteamserver about more than one binding found. Dont know if that could have something to do with it or not.

Erik Brown commented Aug 21 '15, 8:56 a.m.

 Also to note, i've tried adding the -oldJTSVersion 5.0.2 but the upgrade still fails because the new JTS version comes up as 3.0.0.  

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Aug 25 '15, 1:28 p.m.
The fact that the configuration is being loaded from a bundle indicates that the file cannot be found on the filesystem. As Glenn suggests, make sure that the oldJTSHome is set correctly. Does d:\program files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\jts\ exist? Is it the file from your 5.0.2 install?

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead

Martha (Ruby) Andrews commented Aug 25 '15, 1:30 p.m. | edited Oct 20 '15, 6:44 p.m.

Also: the online help says the oldJTSHome should not contain spaces. Try using the windows 8.3 notation instead:
d:\progra~1\IBM ....

For more information on the upgrade script, here is the online help:


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Erik Brown (1324) | answered Aug 25 '15, 1:38 p.m.

Ended up skipping step 0 and executed step 1-3 and the upgrade scripts all completed without error.

Martha, that may have been the problem with the current/new version check, step 0.


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sachin jain (11) | answered Apr 19 '18, 6:38 a.m.

Run repotools-<app> -clean for each application that is installed to clear the repotools cache and reprovisioned