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Regex with REST API

I read http://open-services.net/pub/Main/ReportingHome/Reportable_Rest_Services_Interfaces-OSLC_Submission.pdf but I didn't found anything about regex. I have the next XML:
I want match TAs which quilifedName is /Entities/* (1 and 3). Is there any way to accomplish this?
Accepted answer

Note the the field "qualifiedname" is not a queryable one in reportable REST API, so it does not really matter whether the API has regex or "contains".
For work items, you can use the "oslc_cm:searchTerms" parameter to invoke the full text search. But you are looking at team areas, so no luck here.
I have not yet found a way to achieve what you want (the "parentTeamArea" is not queryable either). I suggest you do the filtering _after_ you get the XML response using the reportable REST API.
One other answer

Hi Fran,
I'm not sure if this is possible. However, to get that information you can try to navigate to
The above URI will give you a list of the Project Areas, and each Project Area there is a URI for a list of Team Areas. ie:
So the Team Area URI is based on the Project Area UID. It is unique, but it is obtainable.
(I've edited this answer 4 times now and lines are randomly being removed from my post, looks like it was because of the URI links).