BBDD setup user permissions
In order to create the BBDD data model for QM and JTS in DB2, it is needed to do it through an admin user or an user with DBADM permissions.
I just need to know the exact operations for both the installation process (the setup) and ongoing operations once RQM is up&running. I mean, i.e. create table, insert, update...
I have to deploy RQM in a customer very estrict in terms of security, and requires to adjust the permissions task by task in terms of BBDD, instead of giving DBADM permissions to the user...
Thanks very much in advance.
One answer
Hi Ismael,
I don't know of any existing documentation for this, only for the data warehouse scripts:
But perhaps what you could do is consult with the DB2 DBA and test out repotools-qm and -jts createTables command with a DB2 sql monitoring tool (you could identify the client by the user connected via the file) like this:
I don't know of any existing documentation for this, only for the data warehouse scripts:
But perhaps what you could do is consult with the DB2 DBA and test out repotools-qm and -jts createTables command with a DB2 sql monitoring tool (you could identify the client by the user connected via the file) like this: