RPT and RQM Integration
With RPT and RQM setup on two different machines, the integration is not successful.
Unable to configure the integration RPT - RQM. User configuring the adapter has "Test Team Member" role assigned to the relevant project in RQM. The same user when configuring the RPT - RQM adapter is getting the following errors:
====== ERROR ==========
Unable to determine RQM server version. This is expected for RQM 2.x and earlier servers
Warning: RPTX2018W Communication error with server.
Error: RPTX2025E Error occurred while registering the adapter
Any inputs on this please ??
Thanks in advance
2 answers
configured "Public URI" for your RQM application. You can see your
servers Public URI on the QM application admin page (i.e.
https://<server_name>:9443/qm/admin). You want to configure the adapter
to use this exact URL. Usually this isn't a short name or IP address.
2) View the profile for the user for which the adapter is using and
verify under the Repository Permissions the user has JazzUsers selected.
3) In the user profile also verify they have a RQM "Quality
Professional" or a "Connector" client access license. If they only have
RQM "Contributor" client access license, then that's likely your issue.
4) View the project area admin page for the RQM project area the adapter
is connecting to. Make sure the adapter user is a member of this
project area and has been assigned to the "Test Team Member" role. Not
the "Test Team Contributor" role. If you have made any modifications to
these roles, then that can also be problematic for the adapter.
5) Try specifying the Project Area in the RPT UI.
Hi Jerry
Thanks very much for responding to this question.
Yes, I did go through these steps and was no lucky to get the successful integration.
User is logged in as local administrator on the machine and has the "Test Team Member" role assigned to the project area as indicated.
The log file states something like this :
</statusCode><message>Internal server error</message><trace>com.ibm.rqm.process.deployment.IPermissionService$PermissonNotGrantedException: 'Register Tool Adapter' Failed. Permission Denied.</br>You don't have permission to perform the following actions:</br> create
at com.ibm.rqm.process.deployment.internal.PermissionService.assertPermissionProcessAreaHandle(PermissionService.java:95)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor334.invoke(Unknown Source)
Not sure what kind of permissions is required in this case though.
I thought, let me share the info which helped me to get this integration issue solved :)
Within the "Adapter.cfg" file i manually specified the path to the RPT workspace directory.
Saved this file and then performed the connection to RQM. Doing so, there was an ID value (Do_Not_Change_Adapter_ID) that got auto generated, which was not present earlier.
Thanks and Regards