Unable to create, insert , delete and import artifacts in DOORS NG
I am installing the DOORS Next Generation for the second time now and I am unable to perform any operation such as create, modify, insert after/before/child of any artifacts . Also, the Import or upload artifact option does not even show up in the Artifact menu option. The first time I installed DOORS NG on my machine I was able to view all the options and perform all operations.But now I am unable to do anything in DOORS without the creation of artifacts. Any help soon would be greatly appreciated.
I am installing the DOORS Next Generation for the second time now and I am unable to perform any operation such as create, modify, insert after/before/child of any artifacts . Also, the Import or upload artifact option does not even show up in the Artifact menu option. The first time I installed DOORS NG on my machine I was able to view all the options and perform all operations.But now I am unable to do anything in DOORS without the creation of artifacts. Any help soon would be greatly appreciated.
Lily Wang
Jul 27 '15, 4:11 a.m.Could you check if you have proper license?
lakshmi shree
Jul 27 '15, 6:26 a.m.Hello Lily ....I have a trail "Contributer " license as of now. But the version I had installed before was a trial one too and it had all the functionalities enabled. The problem occured when I updated my Java from 7 to 8. After this update, the Jazz server crashed and showed many fatal errors , so i hadd to uninstall and reinstall the server and DOORS NG.
Donald Nong
Jul 28 '15, 1:02 a.m.The trial license can expire so double-check that you do have a valid license required for the intended operations.
lakshmi shree
Jul 28 '15, 1:49 a.m.Hello Donald ...
Donald Nong
Jul 28 '15, 4:48 a.m.Once you log on RDNG, at the top right corner, click on the dropdown menu next to your user name and choose "View My Profile and Licenses". What are the repository permissions and what licenses are assigned to the user?