Show deliver history and User that trigger every delivery for a given stream
Accepted answer
I found this wiki link by using another forum post that sounded similar to what I think you are looking for. Note that this functionality was added in RTC v5.0.1 for
Reference forum post:
Hi Rosa! The only doubt that the client has on this is this.
My understanding is that the upgrade from 4.0.1 to 5.0.2 will do its best to guess the added-by and date-added values for the pre-upgrade deliveries, but that those values will only be accurate for deliveries that occur after the upgrade has taken place.
For any content created prior to the upgrade, the delivery information will be the same information that was previously available in the hover in the history view.
For changes that were directly delivered to the stream, this information will be as expected. However, any changes that entered the stream via delivery of a baseline will have delivery information that reflect the original workspace or stream where the baseline was created.
For example: Alice delivers a change to StreamA and creates baselineA on that stream. Then Bob delivers baselineA to StreamB, the history for StreamB will show Alice as the person who delivered the change, not Bob. Starting in 5.0, the history will correctly show that Bob delivered the change to StreamB.