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Moving CLM Database to a different DB server

Leesen Padayachee (9960120) | asked Jul 18 '15, 6:22 a.m.

My client has CLM 6.0 installed. They want to move their DB server to a more high performance server. From the article : , it only talks about :

"For the Jazz™ Team Server, CCM, RM, and QM databases, update the following properties in theserver/conf/applicationName/"

However Version 6.0 has many other db's created (ldx,lqe,dcc etc.), but the guide does not include these?

Do we have to update the team.server properties for all DB's created? or just jts,ccm,rm,qm?

Let me know.



Accepted answer

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Charlie Seo (22127) | answered Jul 20 '15, 2:01 a.m.
Hi Leesen,

In a nutshell, yes if there is a new DB location to be updated, that should be updated in the Not all applications with CLM 6.0 requires DB so check the properties and update them accordingly.


Leesen Padayachee selected this answer as the correct answer

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