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Supported parameters for Work Items Statistics viewlet?

Claudia Callegari (44449871) | asked Jul 14 '09, 11:46 p.m.
Working with viewlets in RTC 2.0...

a) How can I know which are the supported parameters for a "work items statistics" viewlet?
b) Is there any way to group by the "Planned for"? Or any way to achieve that?

If you can also guide me to any response for this on RTC that will be great.

Thanks in advance,

Claudia Callegari

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Jul 15 '09, 3:28 p.m.
Hi Claudia,

RE: A)

I had trouble nailing down the exact criteria for determining this.
The reason for this is that the parameters are assembled dynamically depending on how the process is configured and what database table entries are optimized for work item attributes.

Here is what I found:

In the Project Area Editor on the "Process Configuration" tab in this location
"Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items > Enumerations"

Any attribute with an enumeration type will show up

In the Project Area Editor on the "Process Configuration" tab in this location
"Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items > Types and Attributes"

Any custom attribute with an enumeration type will show up

Not sure about the rest.

RE: B)

This is definitely possible because Work Item Statistic viewlets on dashboards already group by this parameter if you check the viewlet settings area.

I'll have to defer to the Work Items team on how to set this up.

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