RTC source control 'show history' Team menu item not available for directories (only files)

RTC source control show history Team menu item not available for directories (only shows for files e.g. Project explorer right click menu). To get any quick information about directories requires a change set search.
Any quicker alternatives to search?
Why are directories treated differently from files for this feature?
One answer


Geoffrey Thank you for your response and information is appreciated. Regardless of directory versioning however, it is still useful to be able to see its history as simply as you would for a file e.g. Try and find the creation date of a directory and who created it (overly complex). I think the link you provided was raised in 2009 (looks abandoned) and I don't think it has been interpreted correctly.

If you want to find the creation date and who created a directory, you can use the Eclipse change set search (limit the search to the desired specific directory, and to the "add" operation). If you also want to see how it as renamed, include the "rename" operation. It doesn't show you the version tree in graphical form, but it tells you what changes have been made, when, and by whom.