reuse workspace after upgrade the client

After upgrading the RTC client 4.0.3 to 6.0.0, can I re-use the existing workspace without loading again?
* Current Configuration
Rational Team Concert V4.0.3 (Client for Eclipse 3.6.x IDE)
* New Configuration
Rational Team Concert V6.0.0 (Client for Eclipse 3.6.x IDE)
A thousand client machines will be upgraded so we just want to make sure of it.
2 answers

Hi Taki
Yes, you can always use the same existing workspace for same client machine, loading not required..
If this answers your question please mark it as accepted.
Yes, you can always use the same existing workspace for same client machine, loading not required..
If this answers your question please mark it as accepted.

I have found the information in Client and server version compatibility help page as the follows:
Rational® Team Concert repository workspaces are compatible from version 2. This means that if you have a version 2 repository workspace, you can still use it with your upgraded Eclipse client.
It tells we can keep using the same local workspace in RTC 6.0 eclipse client.

Please note that it is advisable to check in unresolved local changes prior to the upgrade - I think this is mentioned in the client upgrade notes as well.
Please note that once you have used a workspace with a newer version, you can't necessarily use it with the prior version. At least one time I had the issue, that the workspace got somehow upgraded and the previous version was not able to open it any more.
1 vote

Hi Ralph, thank you for the additional note.