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Rational CLM 5.0.2 Upgrade License Issue

Mike Rago (2578) | asked Dec 11 '14, 5:38 p.m.
We will be upgrading Rational CLM from version 4.0.1 to 5.0.2 in our test environment before attempting in production.  Test upgrade is scheduled for this month (December, 2014); prod upgrade is scheduled for late January 2015.

In our test environment, we point to the licenses in prod.  As a part of the 5.0.2 upgrade, we have to get new licenses.  Will we be able to use the prod licenses to test our upgrade in the test environment?  It appears not.

How can we obtain temporary licenses to test our upgrade in the test environment?


Donald Nong commented Dec 11 '14, 8:54 p.m.

Can you just use the trial licenses?

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