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Creating a mulitpick enumeration

nannette Mori (50985) | asked Jul 08 '15, 2:38 p.m.

According to the documentation I found if you make the enumeration in the editor presentation an enumeration List the user can select any combination of data in the list, however the attribute does not display using the type Enumeration List.........does aynone know why?

docmentation I read below:

Enumeration list

A new attribute-type enumeration list represents collections of enumeration values. You can use the list to select any combination of different enumerations. You can configure a new editor to display the attributes of that new type. Support for queries and printing has also been added.

The Custom Attribute Dialog

One answer

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Jul 08 '15, 7:28 p.m.
Hi Nannette,

Enumeration List is defined in the attribute, and not in the presentation. So first you create a new attribute of type "Enumeration List" and then you add this attribute to the presentation with the Kind of your choice (Picker or Checkbox).

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