How can I set Team Area without Filed Against?
2 answers
What you can do is add a new work item attribute of type TeamArea, you can select arbitrary values there, but it does not change the owning team area. As far as I can tell that is only determined by the category.
Hi Ralph, thank you for your answer.
We have story workitems and related it sub workitems. The story workitem is parent and sub workitems are children.
I believe that custom attributes are available in RDDI.
Note: a lot of the planning capabilities are dependent on the category and you will not be able to use them properly if it is not set.
With respect Eray's comment. The purpose of the categories always was that it was supposed to make some sense to the user and allow him to at least guess. It can provide more context than the team area name can. You can also have subcategories that are picked by the team that uses them.
Incoming work items also should be checked by a responsible person that could potentially change the category if needed.