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Where is BIRT reports in a configuration-enabled DNG and RQM projects (Global Configuration)?

Natarajan Thirumeni (2981031) | asked Mar 06 '19, 5:34 a.m.
retagged Mar 21 '19, 3:50 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

I am working with GC enabled / stand-alone configuration enabled project, and on this project areas, I no longer able to create BIRT reports (such as defect, execution, Requirements), why? And on-GC project area, BIRT reports available.e Could someone please explain why BIRTH reports aren't available in a GC enabled / stand-alone configuration enabled project areas?

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Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Mar 06 '19, 8:31 a.m.

BIRT reports rely mostly on the Data Warehouse as data source. This data source does not support Global Configuration aware queries. Currently the only data source that does is LQE with configurations. Thus for your reporting needs in a GC enabled environment you need to turn to JRE (Report Builder), cp. also

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- Arne
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