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6.0 - How to activate a manual JRS report ?

Katrin Heymann (19824563) | asked Jul 08 '15, 9:39 a.m.

I have installed version 6.0 automatically including JRS.

Now I have created a manual published report in JRS and want to add it in a dashboard widget. Where  will find information how to do it ?

I exported the report as zip-file on my local machine. Import in RTC was not possible because it expects a rptdesign file.

Please help. Thanks.

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Jul 08 '15, 9:45 a.m.
Hello Katrin,

here are the instructions on how to import JRS reports in a CLM dashboard:

Viewing Report Builder reports in dashboards

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi
Katrin Heymann selected this answer as the correct answer

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