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wondering what happend to JRS "Rec Datetime" attribute

Jeremy Haddock (61) | asked Jul 17 '16, 3:01 p.m.
We have a number of work item history reports we created in 5.0.2, these reports all use the Rec Datetime attribute (=REC_DATETIME in advanced SQL mode).

This attribute is not available in 6.0.2, does anybody know what attribute replaced it? This attribute contained the datatime of the record in the history, which enabled us to piece together reports based on the evolving history of workitems.

2 answers

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Jul 17 '16, 8:56 p.m.
 Hi Jeremy,

It is still there, we've changed the label to be more intuitive (ironically).  You can find it in the Conditions or Add Columns dialog as "Last update time".



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Jeremy Haddock (61) | answered Jul 17 '16, 6:14 p.m.
REC_DATETIME is still available if you drop into SQL advanced mode. This is fine, although it is strange that it is no longer visible in the Format Results designer.

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