How to set Role Permissions using RQM API?
CLM 6.0
RQM API Permissions seems to be relevant, but, I can't figure out how to make it work.
Accepted answer
Liora, I am no aware of any published API to set permissions in RQM. It's more about the "process" than the "resources" - the Reportable REST API is about resources.
The part that you quoted does not refer to the permission manipulation. Rather, it states what permissions are required for the specific HTTP operations. For example, to "GET" a resource, the only permission you need is "XML Export". If you want to "POST" a "Test Case" resource, you need both the "XML Import/Post" and "Save Test Case/Create" permissions.
The part that you quoted does not refer to the permission manipulation. Rather, it states what permissions are required for the specific HTTP operations. For example, to "GET" a resource, the only permission you need is "XML Export". If you want to "POST" a "Test Case" resource, you need both the "XML Import/Post" and "Save Test Case/Create" permissions.
Thanks Donald for your answer.
Do you know if there are java APIs or other to manipulate the permissions?
Unfortunately no. RQM only supports OSLC API and Reportable REST API, and neither exposes the permission operations.