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Issue with applying multiple work items to a change set.

Mark Williams (1157) | asked Jul 02 '15, 4:00 p.m.
My issue is the following:

We have two parallel releases - Release 10 and Release 11
  • I make a code change in Release 10 resulting in change set 1
  • I attach work item 101 to change set 1 and deliver to Release 10 stream
  • I merge change set 1 to Release 11
  • I create a clone work item (work item 202) based on work item 101 for Release 11 for testing purposes. though it is the same change it needs to be tested in both releases
  • I attach work item 202 to change set 1 also.
  • Now if I look at Release 10 history - I see work item 202

I understand why this is happening but this senerio must be common when doing parallel development. My question is am I doing something wrong? How have other handled this situation?


Mark Williams

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 07 '15, 8:47 a.m.

Mark, you hook up two work items to essentially the same change set. What would be your expectation?

I am not a heavy SCM user, you could try to create a patch that creates the change the change set does. Not sure if it works that way. If it does and you apply the patch, you wound create a new change set that is not tied to the other one and thus you would have two independent change sets to test.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 08 '15, 12:21 a.m.
A given change set can be associated with multiple work items, so both work items 101 and 102 are now associated with that change set.   Assuming that is what you expected/intended, was your question why only 102 appeared in the history?   If you take out your magnifying glass, you will notice that after you associated the second work item with the change set, the little rectangular box in the icon for the change set got a second row of dots.   So there is a (virtually unnoticeable :-) indication that there are multiple work items associated with that change set.   Feel free to submit a work item on asking for a more visible indication that more than one work items are associated with a given change set.  (It doesn't try to list all of the work items, because that would take up too much screen real-estate).

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