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Is it Possible to Use Links to Automatically Fill in an Artifact?

Adam Cruse (59159) | asked Jun 29 '15, 4:48 p.m.
edited Jun 29 '15, 4:49 p.m.
Hello all,
I'm trying to see if there is a way to use links to achieve the following scenario:

I have two modules A and B.

In A, there is a table with a cell that needs to be occupied with a "Reference Number" of sorts.
I would like this "Reference Number" to be the contents of another cell in a table that resides in B.

Can I use links to have the cell in A display whatever is occupying the cell in B?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 29 '15, 8:23 p.m.
You need to put the shared content in a separate artifact because there is no way to link part of the artifact. Assuming the "table" that you mention is in a single text artifact, and let's call them "Table A" and "Table B" respectively in modules A and B. Follow these steps.
1. Open "Table B" and put it in edit mode.
2. Select the text in the cell intended for sharing and select "Save Select as New Artifact and Insert".
3. Give a name to the new artifact and click OK. You will notice that the cell looks a bit different from the original now.
4. Save the changes to "Table B".
5. Open "Table A" and put it in edit mode.
6. Put the cursor in the intended cell and select "Insert Artifact".
7. Locate the newly created artifact at step 3 and click OK.
8. Save changes to "Table A".

Note that there is another option which is "Add Link", and it is displayed quite differently from "Insert Artifact" (name vs content). Give it a try and see which one fits your requirements.
Adam Cruse selected this answer as the correct answer

Adam Cruse commented Jun 30 '15, 7:50 a.m. | edited unknown

This worked wonderfully, thank you very much!

Adam Cruse commented Jun 30 '15, 7:52 a.m.

This worked wonderfully, thank you very much!

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