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RQM Excel importer for office 2015

Lakshmi Narayana (2739) | asked Jun 25 '15, 7:47 a.m.
 Hi,  we are using office 2015 and CLM versoin 5.0.1 .  RQM Excel add-on was working fine with older Microsoft Office versions like 2013. after installing office 2015 version. RQM Excel importer not working and add-on itself not visbile in excel.

please suggest me how to make it work.

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Don Yang (7.7k21110138) | answered Jun 26 '15, 1:09 a.m.
Office 2015 is not listed in
this version should not be an official supported yet. The best bet is to try " RQMExcelImporterSetupForDotNET45"
(or RQMExcelImporterSetupX64ForDotNET45 is office is 64bit) if you haven't tried that(you will need to .net 4.5+ installed). Otherwise, you may raise a    RQM RFE  to request the support of Office 2015.         

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