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how to edit a workitem which is readonly in a particular state

Pravin Patil (104146134) | asked Jun 04 '15, 12:44 a.m.

I made a workitem field to be "Hide if Empty", but now how do I make it visible again for adding content to it?

I made a workitem to be readonly at a particular state. But once it is in that state it is completely non-editable, not even allowing me to change the state, how will I make it move to the next state so that I can modify it?

Lily Wang commented Jun 04 '15, 8:26 p.m.

For the first question, you may use script based value provider to assign a value for the attribute.

For the second question, as far as I known only work item attributes can be read-only. How did you configure a work item to be read-only? Please clarify.

Pravin Patil commented Jun 05 '15, 12:43 a.m.

 Can you provide some more details on first question?

For second question, there is a precondition to make a workitem non editable at certain state.

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