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TCER count on Cognos report studio

Muhammad Ramzan (1568) | asked Jun 01 '15, 3:17 p.m.
edited Jun 02 '15, 5:59 a.m. by Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119)
hi dears,
I have prepared a test execution progress report in cognos report studio. Report is working fine but i have one issue.

in a test plan i am not able to identify how many test cases have execution records and how many have no execution records. I saw one field in test execution records TCER but i am not able to find this value in RDDI to see how many test cases of my test plan have execution records.

will really appreciate some one can please help me .

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Jun 02 '15, 5:57 a.m.
Hello Muhammad,

in the data model Test Cases are linked to the Test Plans they are part to through Test Case Related Test Plans and TCER are linked to Test Cases through Test Case Related Execution Work Items.
You can leverage both links in the same query.

For example you can build a query with the following elements:

Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case > Test Case ID
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case > Reference ID
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case > Name
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Execution Work Items > Execution Work Item ID
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Execution Work Items > Name
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Execution Work Items > Test Plan ID (EWI Test Plan ID)
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Execution Work Items > Test Plan Name
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Test Plans > Test Plan ID (TP Test Plan ID)
Operational Data Store > Test Case Area > Test Case Related Test Plans > Test Plan Name

Create a filter like the following:

([TP Test Plan ID]=[EWI Test Plan ID]) or ([EWI Test Plan ID] is null)

Optionally you can further filter for the specific test plan you are interested in.

This will make your query list all the test cases related to a test plan and the TCER linked to the test case for that specific test plan.
The rows with empty EWI Test Plan ID will highlight those test cases having no TCER for that specific test plan.

Below is a sample of the output:

We can see that the test cases with Reference ID 1, 6 and 12 has no TCER for the System Verification Test Plan.
From that base query you can calculate the necessary counts and summaries.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi
Muhammad Ramzan selected this answer as the correct answer

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