Validate the user name and password by creating a connection to the RQM project area present in the TAG URL
Validate the user name and password by creating a connection to the RQM project area present in the TAG URL. If the user is validated then a blank screen is presented.
If the user is invalid then the login page opens again with the error message that valid credentials must be entered.
so, can you please suggests me and if you have any pdf regarding my requirement plz send to my mail
From duplicate post:
1. User Validation
Validate the user name and password by creating a connection to the RQM project area present in the TAG URL. If the user is validated then a blank screen is presented.
If the user is invalid then the login page opens again with the error message that valid credentials must be entered.
2. Team Level Validation
Check the privilege of the user if he has Team Lead access.
Display error message if he is not a team lead and stop execution of TAG.
One answer
Whatever a TAG URL is, if it is an URI to a RQM application the user will have to login - this is automatic - unless he is already logged in.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 29 '15, 9:35 a.m.This still does not make any sense to me. The authentication and the other checks are always done if a user tries to access any artifact in any Jazz Application. You need to login and if you are logged in, a cookie persists this information, so that you don't have to login over and over.
What is a TAG URL? What do you want to achieve?
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