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is there a java version dependency for RTC Eclipse plugin?

Abhishek Mathur (1121) | asked Jun 27 '09, 10:34 p.m.
I've been using the eclipse plugin for RTC for a while now and everything seemed to be working fine, until I had to remove the IBM JDK 1.6 and downgrade to IBM JDK 1.5, as I was having issues with Firefox / e-meetings on Linux with IBM JDK 1.6. But since I've removed / uninstalled IBM JDK 1.6, I seem to get an error every time I switch to the Work Item perspective in Eclipse.
The error box appears that says
"Error Logged from Process Client UI:
Clicking on details I see -
"XPCOM Error - 2147467262

After sometime it will typically dump a core file. This happens each time I switch to the WI perspective...

Any reason why this should happen, and is there a way to fix it? Is there really a java 1.6 dependency or that is just a coincidence?


4 answers

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Stuart (61132) | answered Dec 06 '12, 9:26 p.m.
 I  frequently see it on Linux. I've been able to fix it on 32bit Ubuntu by starting eclipse with the the system package maintainer's version of openjdk (I guess the swt libs play nice with that). But on 64bit Linux the situation seems hopeless. No combination of JVMs or environment variables seems to take care of the problem. Sometimes the awt error locks up the eclipse instance such that it has to be killed with a kill -9.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 29 '09, 12:17 p.m.
I've been using the eclipse plugin for RTC for a while now and everything seemed to be working fine, until I had to remove the IBM JDK 1.6 and downgrade to IBM JDK 1.5, as I was having issues with Firefox / e-meetings on Linux with IBM JDK 1.6. But since I've removed / uninstalled IBM JDK 1.6, I seem to get an error every time I switch to the Work Item perspective in Eclipse.
The error box appears that says
"Error Logged from Process Client UI:
Clicking on details I see -
"XPCOM Error - 2147467262

After sometime it will typically dump a core file. This happens each time I switch to the WI perspective...

Any reason why this should happen, and is there a way to fix it? Is there really a java 1.6 dependency or that is just a coincidence?



It seems like there really is a dependency on the version of Java you are using. The Sun version is also supported - that may work with your other apps.


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Tod Creasey (1632) | answered Jun 30 '09, 9:17 a.m.

After sometime it will typically dump a core file. This happens each time I switch to the WI perspective...

Any reason why this should happen, and is there a way to fix it? Is there really a java 1.6 dependency or that is just a coincidence?


As we ship with a Java 5 VM there is certainly no dependency on Java 6. I think you may have found an issue with the specific VM you are using as an SWTError is frequently a VM issue.

You should log a defect with the details of your virtual machine and the window manager you are using so that the team can track this down.

Tod Creasey
RTC Team

dan catrina commented Nov 29 '12, 5:31 a.m.

This is not a VM specific issue. I encounter the same behaviour on my RHEL 6.3 workstation.

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John Riendeau (46626) | answered Dec 06 '12, 10:20 p.m.
This has been seen frequently among Linux users (as evidenced by bug 217678 and its plethora of duplicate/related/mentioned-by defects) and stems from the fact that the version of Eclipse that RTC ships with doesn't play nicely with more recent versions of XULRunner.

A workaround can be found in comment 6 of the linked defect above, or in this article.

Stuart commented Dec 06 '12, 11:44 p.m.

Thanks John. I tried to get it going with building the appropriate WebKit but still a no go. I don't think I'm going to spend any more time on it. Is there a way to tell RTC to stop trying to do things that spawn the error? I've tried to close the tabs that are trying render html content and that works for a while but they seem to auto appear again. I don't mind just looking at my team events via the web GUI on Firefox which works fine for me.

John Riendeau commented Dec 07 '12, 8:35 a.m.

Hey Stuart,

Sorry, I don't know of any way to block the specific RTC function that's leading to the errors.

If you change your mind and decide to pursue this further, I'd encourage you to submit a new work item.  I'm not aware of any cases where these kinds of problems persist following the application of the suggested workarounds.  If there are situations/configurations where the workarounds don't completely solve things, it would be helpful for us to know about them.

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