How to change the time of data collection jobs running?
Accepted answer
Look on the admin pages of the JTS. I'm assuming your applications are >v3, as since that version JTS controls all data warehouse jobs for its application(s). Click on the Reports link just under the "Server Administration" label. You will be taken to Data Collection Jobs page on which is an entry for Start Time. You should see 2 in the entry, change to 7 and save.
I see the start time as 24. Dont know what it means.
When we run RRDI reports, it shows data till around 2PM. And then the next day after 2 PM, it shows me updated data.
So it is my assumption that it runs around 2PM.
Attaching screenshot of data collection job status with time. Kindly let me know if it tell something.
24 means midnight [ but then so should 0 ] To see the entire picture you must start with the JTS then look at all its registered applications. The JTS starts the show by running a couple jobs ( Common, Repository ) executes jobs on its registered applications, same jobs on each in the same order, then finishes with the Star job.
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