Class not found: org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
I'm trying to build the junit example on a buildengine running on Linux and was getting an error build.xml:65: Class not found: org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter. From one of the Jazz article,, it says to run the build again and the problem will go away. I tried that and it hasn't solved my problem.
How do I solve this problem? Can I just download the jar file that contains this class and drop it in the buildengine's eclipse/plugins directory? If so, where can I download the jar file?
How do I solve this problem? Can I just download the jar file that contains this class and drop it in the buildengine's eclipse/plugins directory? If so, where can I download the jar file?
8 answers
egaona wrote:
You can download it from Eclipse site:
Look for "JDT Core Batch Compiler".
Then, add it under Ant tab of your Build Defintion as an Ant argument.
Something like this: -lib %path%\ecj-3.4.2.jar
Hope this helps,
I'm trying to build the junit example on a buildengine running on
Linux and was getting an error build.xml:65: Class not found:
org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter. From one of the Jazz
article,, it says to run the
build again and the problem will go away. I tried that and it
hasn't solved my problem.
How do I solve this problem? Can I just download the jar file that
contains this class and drop it in the buildengine's eclipse/plugins
directory? If so, where can I download the jar file?
You can download it from Eclipse site:
Look for "JDT Core Batch Compiler".
Then, add it under Ant tab of your Build Defintion as an Ant argument.
Something like this: -lib %path%\ecj-3.4.2.jar
Hope this helps,
You should not have to download the Eclipse standalone compiler when working through the JUnit example. It includes it in the example workspace, under releng/compiler/ecj.jar. You'll still need the -lib argument, but that should have already been configured for you in the junit build definition.
It would help if you could let us know at what point the tutorial led you off track.
It would help if you could let us know at what point the tutorial led you off track.
I've ran into this today on fresh 3.0 linux installation, accessing from 3.0 win client.
/opt/ibm/jazz-3.0/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse/sandbox/releng/build.xml:70: Class not found: org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
I've verified that the -lib sandbox\releng\compiler\ecj.jar parameter is set and the library exists as specified.
Is there anything more needed? Some special permissions setup on the buildserver perhaps?
I've ran into this today on fresh 3.0 linux installation, accessing from 3.0 win client.
/opt/ibm/jazz-3.0/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse/sandbox/releng/build.xml:70: Class not found: org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
I've verified that the -lib sandbox\releng\compiler\ecj.jar parameter is set and the library exists as specified.
Is there anything more needed? Some special permissions setup on the buildserver perhaps?
No permission changes should be needed, as long as the user account running Ant has read permissions to see ecj.jar and its parent dirs. Maybe it doesn't like the backslashes if you're on a Linux/Unix system? Try changing to forward slashes. You could also try giving the full path instead of a relative path.
For anyone stumbling across this, the best thing to do is to place the ECJ into the ANT lib directory in the toolkit. For example, on my build server, I place the ecj-3.6.2.jar into the /opt/IBM/jazz/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20100518-1145/lib directory. Then restart the JBE and it should be right as rain. You will not need to add the -lib %path%\ecj-3.4.2.jar parameter to the ANT config in the build definition.