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RTC Beta 2.0 - Error when trying to share project in VS

neo dao (61) | asked Jun 17 '09, 1:35 p.m.
I am currently working to integrate RTC with Visual Studio 2005/2008 for my company. When i try to share project in VS 2005/2008, i received the following error. Does any one know how to fix this issue? It is possible that configuration is wrong. It is also possible url to make the request is not correct. If not , where can i configure that ?

Error message:Error Sharing


Exception message:Cannot nest CFAs C:/ and C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE

Exception stack trace: at myIMessage) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\Foundation\ServiceInterfaceProxy\WebRequestInvocationProxy.cs:line 89 at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at parms, IProgressMonitor progress) at copyFileArea, ParmsShareRequest[] shareRequests, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 706 at copyFileArea, ITeamRepository repository, String workspaceItemId, Component component, String shareDir, ParmsJazzIgnoreRule[] ignoreRules, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 691 at workspace, String copyFileArea, ITeamRepository repository, String newWorkspaceName, String shareDir, ParmsJazzIgnoreRule[] ignoreRules, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 657 at args, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\SCM\ScmUI\SccProviderService.cs:line 1561 at`2.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I20090529-1628\Foundation\Core\operationrunner\internalimpl\BackgroundWorkerImpl.cs:line 154

Status code:500

Remote exception type:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Request URI:http://localhost:3126/service/

Remote stack trace:

4 answers

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Christophe Cornu (47123) | answered Jun 17 '09, 3:21 p.m.

It looks like you ran into a weird state where different shares of your solution and projects overlap on disk. It's best to take a clean start on this.

Can you try the following:

1. Copy your solution and its files to a clean location e.g. c:\share\solution\ (without any of our .jazz folders that track sharing state)
2. Restart Visual Studio and open that solution. Select the top solution node in the solution explorer and 'share projects'.
3. In the sharing wizard you can create a new workspace or pick an existing one, as you wish.
Your solution and its projects should now be shared.

I'm assuming your solution is of the following shape:
solution folder/solution.sln
solution folder/project 1/project 1.vsproj
solution folder/project 2/project 2.vsproj

If this doesn't fix your problem, please open a work item against the Visual Studio category with some information about how your solution and projects are structured.

Thank you,

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neo dao (61) | answered Jun 18 '09, 6:51 p.m.
Thanks Chrisx, We have several projects configured under a same directory. They are invididual projects but they all share same library. I worked with several developers and get code checked into RTC from Visual Studio. There was a problem with project and solution files from VS


It looks like you ran into a weird state where different shares of your solution and projects overlap on disk. It's best to take a clean start on this.

Can you try the following:

1. Copy your solution and its files to a clean location e.g. c:\share\solution\ (without any of our .jazz folders that track sharing state)
2. Restart Visual Studio and open that solution. Select the top solution node in the solution explorer and 'share projects'.
3. In the sharing wizard you can create a new workspace or pick an existing one, as you wish.
Your solution and its projects should now be shared.

I'm assuming your solution is of the following shape:
solution folder/solution.sln
solution folder/project 1/project 1.vsproj
solution folder/project 2/project 2.vsproj

If this doesn't fix your problem, please open a work item against the Visual Studio category with some information about how your solution and projects are structured.

Thank you,

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kavitha sunil (6) | answered Sep 29 '09, 2:51 a.m.

Am working on RTC. After checkin, from the outgoing folder, if i try "Deliver" it says below exception
with Permission Denied error.
Do i need to do some setttings which is missing?
Error message:
'Deliver' failed. Permission denied.
Exception type:
Exception message:
'Deliver' failed. Permission denied.
Exception stack trace:
at myIMessage) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2001_20090914-1516\Foundation\ServiceInterfaceProxy\WebRequestInvocationProxy.cs:line 89
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at parms, IProgressMonitor progress)
at cfa, ParmsDeliver parms, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2001_20090914-1516\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\FilesystemClient.cs:line 1353
at monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2001_20090914-1516\Filesystem\FilesystemClient\operations\DeliverOperation.cs:line 148
at operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2001_20090914-1516\Foundation\UiUtils\handlers\OperationCommandHandler.cs:line 40
at`2.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\RTC_BUILDS\I2001_20090914-1516\Foundation\Core\operationrunner\internalimpl\BackgroundWorkerImpl.cs:line 154
Status code:
Remote exception type:
Request URI:
Remote stack trace:

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Sandeep Kohli (1413) | answered Sep 30 '09, 1:20 a.m.
This seems like a permission problem only. Most likely, you donot have permissions to deliver. You can modify ( or ask your project admin ) the process specs to grant you ( your role ) permission to deliver change sets.

There are articles on which can show you how to do that

However, if you think this is not an issue related to process permissions, then please open a work item

RTC Visual Studio Team

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