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Getting UserID for user requesting a build

Dan Thorson (111) | asked Jun 16 '09, 6:33 p.m.
Is there a property available that I can pass to a command line build definition that identifies the user requesting the build?

For example, we can get the location of the load directory from ${team.scm.fetchDestination} in the build definition. Is there a similar property identifying the user making the request?

Are these properties documented, and if so could someone point me in the right direction?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 24 '14, 4:08 a.m.
This has been fixed since the question was asked. See

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Jun 17 '09, 4:30 p.m.
The requestor of a build is not currently included in the build properties.
If you need this, please file an enhancement request, providing more details about your use case:

The built-in properties are described in the "Build properties" help topic in the RTC client (or see it here:

However, because the build engine architecture is open-ended, it doesn't list all properties. The configuration pages in the build definition editor generally describe which properties are exposed though.

You can also configure an Ant build to output a .properties file with all the properties.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Jun 23 '09, 3:56 p.m.

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