Maven SCM Plugin extended to RTC SCM?

Has anyone extended the Maven SCM plugin to connect into RTC SCM?
We are using Maven2 and we would like to use the Maven Release Plugin which needs to have a connector to the source code control system you are using. Since we are using the RTC SCM for our source code control, I wanted to see if anyone has already extended the Maven SCM.
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We are using Maven2 and we would like to use the Maven Release Plugin which needs to have a connector to the source code control system you are using. Since we are using the RTC SCM for our source code control, I wanted to see if anyone has already extended the Maven SCM.
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4 answers

The Maven Release plugin allows you to go out and update the maven poms automatically across multiple projects as needed, which given the number of projects we have would be a big help. The problem is that it uses the Maven SCM plugin to do that. The Maven SCM plugin may be extended to the RTC SCM probably using the RTC SCM ant tasks internally. I wanted to know if anyone else has already done this and would be willing to share.
I'm not a maven pro, but couldn't you just call the RTC SCM ant tasks from the Maven ant scripts to load/accept?

My project would also benefit very much from this capability and, in consultation with our IBM rep, we have raised the following work item for this:
I believe there will be many RTC/Maven users who would benefit so think this makes sense for IBM. Thanks
I believe there will be many RTC/Maven users who would benefit so think this makes sense for IBM. Thanks