Updating WorkItems after a process change

8 answers

Hello mspurgeon,
there is a pretty well hidden feature to do so. Searching this group should
get you quite some answers. However, on a WI query go in the WI icon in a
row, do a select all and right click on the icon. The context menu shows
something like "Synchronize Attributes.....". Note, you must use the type
Column in the query.
there is a pretty well hidden feature to do so. Searching this group should
get you quite some answers. However, on a WI query go in the WI icon in a
row, do a select all and right click on the icon. The context menu shows
something like "Synchronize Attributes.....". Note, you must use the type
Column in the query.
I have made changes to the process template, however I have old
workitems that need the updated fields and states. Is there a way to
update the old workitems to pick up the updated process template.

Hello rpelliottjr,
to my knowledge today there s no automated mechanism to update processees
for existing projects from a template as source.
You might want to cross check and search this forum on similar questions.
However my interpretation of the answers and from what I know you would have
to manually update the project areas.
You could either use the process customization GUI or try it with the XML
I have very few experience doing this and not from a productive environment.
I believe it should be possible to cut and paste at least parts of the XML
to avoid the UI. I saved my neck once in pasting a good portion process config
XML, avoiding to overwrite the iteration structure. However, it can be dangerous,
so again, I would try it on a test server or wait for suggestions of people
more capable than I am.
to my knowledge today there s no automated mechanism to update processees
for existing projects from a template as source.
You might want to cross check and search this forum on similar questions.
However my interpretation of the answers and from what I know you would have
to manually update the project areas.
You could either use the process customization GUI or try it with the XML
I have very few experience doing this and not from a productive environment.
I believe it should be possible to cut and paste at least parts of the XML
to avoid the UI. I saved my neck once in pasting a good portion process config
XML, avoiding to overwrite the iteration structure. However, it can be dangerous,
so again, I would try it on a test server or wait for suggestions of people
more capable than I am.
Similar question or perhaps a clarification. If I have created
multiple project areas based on a template and then modify the
template, how do I propagate those changes to the individual project

BTW - didn't mean to insult, just found it funny to see the question so often....
Hello mspurgeon,
there is a pretty well hidden feature to do so. Searching this group
should get you quite some answers. However, on a WI query go in the WI
icon in a row, do a select all and right click on the icon. The
context menu shows something like "Synchronize Attributes.....". Note,
you must use the type Column in the query.
I have made changes to the process template, however I have old
workitems that need the updated fields and states. Is there a way to
update the old workitems to pick up the updated process template.

I've submitted work item 86059: "Make it more obvious/intuitive how to
upgrade existing work items when the work item schema is changed".
(This question is definitely in the running for the MFAQ award ... "Most
Frequently Asked Question" :-)
Ralph Schoon wrote:
upgrade existing work items when the work item schema is changed".
(This question is definitely in the running for the MFAQ award ... "Most
Frequently Asked Question" :-)
Ralph Schoon wrote:
BTW - didn't mean to insult, just found it funny to see the question so
Hello mspurgeon,
there is a pretty well hidden feature to do so. Searching this group
should get you quite some answers. However, on a WI query go in the WI
icon in a row, do a select all and right click on the icon. The
context menu shows something like "Synchronize Attributes.....". Note,
you must use the type Column in the query.
I have made changes to the process template, however I have old
workitems that need the updated fields and states. Is there a way to
update the old workitems to pick up the updated process template.

"ryanman" == ryanman <ryanman> writes:
ryanman> Changes made to process templates will only apply to newly created
ryanman> project areas. You will have to manually update existing projects.
Are there any tools to help or documented guidance on how to (easily)
perform this manual update?
John Kohl
Senior Software Engineer - Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Lexington, Massachusetts, USA