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Import Duplicated pair of bugs from Bugzilla to Jazz

We are working on migration from CQALM to Jazz via Bugazilla and found an interesting but annoying case.
The duplicated pair of bugs are imported to Jazz without error or warning. But if you modify an Closed item marked as Duplicate, like adding a Tag, then saving the item will automatically do the following too:
Status Closed → Reopened
Resolution Duplicate → Unresolved
Tags added: test
Resolved By STEFAN EBERL → Unassigned
I tested on the work itemes created in the Jazz directly and it does allow me to save the Closed item of Duplicate as it is when I tried to add to Tag field.
Comparing the two cases, I found that the imported work item lost their Duplicate link in the Link area. So is the question, how do I take care of the Links like duplication, dependon, etc when migrating from Bugzilla XML file to Jazz via Jazz importer? I know the <cc></cc> entry can make subscriber link mapped and imported correctly, do we have something similar for Duplicate, DependOn?
Any help is appreciated.
The duplicated pair of bugs are imported to Jazz without error or warning. But if you modify an Closed item marked as Duplicate, like adding a Tag, then saving the item will automatically do the following too:
Status Closed → Reopened
Resolution Duplicate → Unresolved
Tags added: test
Resolved By STEFAN EBERL → Unassigned
I tested on the work itemes created in the Jazz directly and it does allow me to save the Closed item of Duplicate as it is when I tried to add to Tag field.
Comparing the two cases, I found that the imported work item lost their Duplicate link in the Link area. So is the question, how do I take care of the Links like duplication, dependon, etc when migrating from Bugzilla XML file to Jazz via Jazz importer? I know the <cc></cc> entry can make subscriber link mapped and imported correctly, do we have something similar for Duplicate, DependOn?
Any help is appreciated.
13 answers

There have been some improvements to the Bugzilla Importer in the 2.0 release to support relationships. If you have an earlier release, then duplicate links would be imported based on a Duplicate resolution and the referenced bug id would be embedded in the comments field. This is an example of the comments field in the xml record to be imported.
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 83698 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 83698 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>

There have been some improvements to the Bugzilla Importer in the 2.0 release to support relationships. If you have an earlier release, then duplicate links would be imported based on a Duplicate resolution and the referenced bug id would be embedded in the comments field. This is an example of the comments field in the xml record to be imported.
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 83698 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
Thanks, Lorelei,
So you are saying that I can use <dependson> to specify the CQ bug IDs, and the Jazz importer will be able to find the new work item IDs created for them and setup the link properly?
Our case is a little more complicated. We are moving from CQALM to Jazz via Bugzilla. So we have to crush the multi-layer of the CQALM data structure into one layer around the CQTask which we use to map to Jazz's work item.
The duplicate link is set at Request record level and one Request in CQALM usually contains more than on Tasks, making it very difficult to get the Task ID to be used for the duplicate link as we don't map/import the Request ID.

So you are saying that I can use <dependson> to specify the CQ bug IDs, and the Jazz importer will be able to find the new work item IDs created for them and setup the link properly?
Our case is a little more complicated. We are moving from CQALM to Jazz via Bugzilla. So we have to crush the multi-layer of the CQALM data structure into one layer around the CQTask which we use to map to Jazz's work item.
The duplicate link is set at Request record level and one Request in CQALM usually contains more than on Tasks, making it very difficult to get the Task ID to be used for the duplicate link as we don't map/import the Request ID.
I am not familiar with the ALM schema, so can't make a comment on this.

There have been some improvements to the Bugzilla Importer in the 2.0 release to support relationships. If you have an earlier release, then duplicate links would be imported based on a Duplicate resolution and the referenced bug id would be embedded in the comments field. This is an example of the comments field in the xml record to be imported.
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 83698 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
We are using RTC 1.0.1. So the duplicate links should be imported if:
1. Duplicate resolution is set;
2. I need to construct a <long_desc></long_desc> to include the referenced bug id as in the example you gave
Are those *** the format requirement?

The example I gave just gives the particular bug's duplicates. If this bug is a duplicate of some other bug, then the comment format is the following:
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 123. ***</thetext>
For a particular bug,
1. To import its duplicates, include a long_desc tag with the format I gave previously. There can be more than one long_desc for each duplicate.
2. To import the bug that it is a duplicate of, then the resolution value should be DUPLICATE and construct the above long_desc.
<bug_when>2005-01-30 09:13</bug_when>
<thetext>*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 123. ***</thetext>
For a particular bug,
1. To import its duplicates, include a long_desc tag with the format I gave previously. There can be more than one long_desc for each duplicate.
2. To import the bug that it is a duplicate of, then the resolution value should be DUPLICATE and construct the above long_desc.
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