Is it possible to consolidate pass count of all TERs post a certain date linked to a single Automation suite
Taking an example of 250 test cases in total.
1. We create automation suite in RQM
2. Every time we run an Automation suite a new ( say 1st)TER gets generated with Passed, Failed and Error cases. Let’s assume Passed = 100, Failed = 100 and Error = 50
3. Next time while running this suite(generating 2nd TER), we can choose to exclude the pass test cases ( where this will relate to the last run aka 1st TER) which would be a total of 150 test cases. In this run, let’s say result this time are Passed = 100, Failed = 50, Error = 0
4. Now, while running the suite again ( generating a 3rd TER), and using the exclude Passed test cases option, it is only excluding the Pass test cases of the last run aka 100 cases and hence it is running 150 test cases, which should not happen and it should ideally include the 100 passed in the 1st TER and run a count of only 50 test cases.
Now, I wanted to know if it is possible to consolidate the pass count of all the TERs post a certain date linked to a single Automation suite and then exclude it using the exclude pass test cases option.