What is the significance of "Whitelist (Outbound)" in RQM,RTC etc.
While integrating RQM or RTC with other Rational tools or with OSLC capable tools, we need to furnish information in Consumer(inbound), Friends(outbound)...[what is the perspective of inbound and outbound]. Also there is one more element "Whitelist(outbound)", what does this stand for...the integration of RQM and DOORS 9.4 works even if we do not furnish Whitelist information, so a question arises that why it is needed for?
One answer
The whitelist is enabled to provide a list of non-friend domains that can send requests to other sites to retrieve information. The InfoCenter topic on whitelist uses OpenSocial as an example, where you can add a site that fetches a widget from OpenSocial to display a widget in a dashboard. Hope it helps,