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RTC 5.0.2 - Can I defined read only on attribute in specific state?

Rakefet Berger (43315) | asked May 07 '15, 9:59 a.m.
 in RTC 5.0.2 -  I want to have the ability that on specific state attribute will be read only. Is it possible and how?

Accepted answer

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Tiago Moura (8387) | answered May 07 '15, 11:07 a.m.
 You can configure a precodition "Prevent Editing", where you can define attributes that can't be changed in a specified state.

Check this:
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Rakefet Berger commented May 07 '15, 1:41 p.m.

 Thank you very much

One other answer

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Uma venkata Lekkala (52719) | answered May 07 '15, 2:10 p.m.
 You can go to Operations behavior (RTC eclipse client) or Preconditions and Followup actions if using Web interface. The steps vary based on which interface you use. 

For Eclipse client go to Process Configuration>Team Configuration>Operation Behavior>Select the Operation (save Work Item) and User role(s) you want to be affected by this change and add the precondition called Read-Only attribute for Type and State. You can then select what attributes are read only in any given state. 
I attached an image explaining the steps numbered in red.

Rakefet Berger commented May 12 '15, 2:37 a.m.

 Thanks this information was very helpful to me

Ralph Schoon commented May 12 '15, 2:55 a.m.

Please accept an answer if it helped the next time around.

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