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CLM (RTC/RM) Database Definitions (RIDW, RIODS, RICALM) Help

Joel Lonneker (391016) | asked May 05 '15, 2:10 p.m.
 Can someone simply define each of these tables from the CLM database?
  1. RIODS
    • Would like validation, but think this is live data
  2. RIDW 
    • Believe this Data Warehouse data
    • Possibly custom field data (not sure if live data or DW)

The more basic the description of each, the better.  

2 answers

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Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | answered May 05 '15, 7:41 p.m.
Hi Joel, 

I been asking for the same information and the info that I got is that IBM has the property of the DBs and you should not be accessing directly to the DBs.

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Noel Gimeno (1521417) | answered Oct 19 '15, 5:36 a.m.
Looking for the same info I found this, in case it can help:

The Data Warehouse has 3 schema's that are relevant for reporting:
  • RIODS (originally an abbreviation for Rational Insight Operational Data Store) that consist of highly normalized database tables containing information regarding the various CLM artefact's such as projects, work items, requirements and test artefact's - including their attributes and relationships.
  • RICALM (Rational Insight Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management) that contains information related to custom CLM attributes as well as history tables for reporting on artifact changes, such as changes to the requirements, work items and test cases (amongst others).
  • RIDW (originally an abbreviation for Rational Insight Data Warehouse) that contains information for the various data marts to support trend reporting. Basically this boils down to star schema's being defined in terms of fact tables storing the metrics as well as the dimension tables representing the dimensions of the star schema.

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