How to create test plan and test suite in java code how can i do rest call extracting from RQM via Java code?
How to create test plan and test suite in java code how can i do rest call while extracting from RQM via Java code?
I have urlconstructutil.class is there here all the rest url I am mention
for example :-
RQM_BASE_URL = "/service/"
public static String constructTestCaseRetreivalUrl( final String serverUrl, final String projectName )
{if (projectName != null)
{ final String baseUrl = serverUrl + RQM_BASE_URL + projectName + "/testcase";
final UrlGenerator urlGenerator = new UrlGenerator( baseUrl );
final String params = "fields=feed/entry/content/testcase/(id|content|title|owner|webId|remotescript|identifier|creationDate|updated|priority|state)";
urlGenerator.setParameter( FIELDS, params );
return urlGenerator.getUrl();
return null;
In the same way how can I create rest call for Testplan and TestSuite need a help
I am new for this