How can we export a lifecycle project process template?
Accepted answer
If you modified the process in e.g. RTC, you basically have to create a new template from the process of that project. You can export the process template from the project area management/administration (e.g. to do this. You can import the template with a new ID in the process template section.
In RTC all the information is in the process template. I am not sure about RQM and Doors Next.
You can also export the template in the lifecycle project administration page. You would have to check if the process name/ID is in the XML file you get exported. If so, you would need to put in the ID/Name of the new lifecycle administration template and import it.
Once you have the new templates (products and lifecycle admin), you could create new projects from them.
Thank you Ralph for your response.
I am aware of the procedure to export and import the process template for each of the components (ie. RTC, RRC & RQM) separately. But when I am creating a lifecycle project, we need to select the lifecycle project process template. Here, we cannot select the process template for each component. That is why I need to know how to export the complete lifecycle project process template or at least to create one using the templates from all the 3 components.
The lifecycle project is just ANOTHER template (in XML) that you can export, modify and import.
"You would have to check in the lifecylcle process template if the process name/ID for the specific tools is in the XML file you get exported. If so, you would need to put in the ID/Name of the new lifecycle administration template and import it. "
The lifecycle project template can be exported from https://server:port/jts/lpa/templates by clicking on the template you are interested in. You can modify the template and import the modified one by using the action in the top right.
I can find the option to export the existing pre-defined lifecycle project process templates. You are saying that I need to export it and then modify right?
But I need the modifications that are already made in the individual project areas. Is there a way to export the lifecycle process template with the already made customizations?
- Export the processes from the individual project areas
Import the processes with a new ID into the products to create a new product specific template
- Export the lifecycle process template
- Modify the ID's to match the new template ID's for the products templates
Import the modified lifecycle process to use it with the modified product templates
1 vote
Thanks for your patience :)
I have made the changes to the XML file and imported it. But when creating a Lifecycle Project using the modified process template, I am getting an error that says "process template with the following ID does not exist" for RM creation.
I have uploaded the customized process template for RM in the JTS Templates screen, which is where all the templates for RM are located. Is there any other place I need to import or give the template name?
I would assume you have a typo in the imported RM template ID or in the LPA process template.
I have rechecked the IDs and they are matching. Do you think that giving numbers in the template ID can cause this error?
I have figured it out. Thank you so much Ralph for your time and patience in helping me through this.
What went wrong? Typo?
What I did was I removed all the other process templates mentioned in the CLM process template. I left only the RRC/RTC/RQM process template that I wanted. That worked because I think the error message was appearing for the other process templates.
One other answer
Could you share how did you solve this?
Hi Andres,
I have given the solution above. This is the bit of code I am talking about. I removed all the identifiers except the one I wanted. This worked for me.
<!-- RRC -->
<projectArea id="rrc.project">
<dc:title>New RM Process Template</dc:title>