Bug in DNG Script API 5.0 while getting ARTIFACT_TYPE attribute?
Hello, I received a strange result while querying for ARTIFACT_TYPE attribute from the artifact reference achieved from the getContentAttributes() API. Consider the below code:
RM.Event.subscribe(RM.Event.ARTIFACT_SELECTED, displayAttrs);
function displayAttrs(artRefs)
if (artRefs.length > 0)
console.log("reading attrs values...\n");
var artRef1 = artRefs[0];
RM.Data.getAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.FORMAT, RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER], function(opResult1)
if (opResult1.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log("op ok");
if (opResult1.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.FORMAT] === RM.Data.Formats.MODULE)
RM.Data.getContentsAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER], function(opResult2) // (1)
//RM.Data.getContentsAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE], function(opResult2) // (2)
if (opResult2.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log(opResult2.data.length); // (A)
RM.Data.getAttributes(item.ref, RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER, function(opResult3) // (3)
//RM.Data.getAttributes(item.ref, RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE, function(opResult3) // (4)
if (opResult3.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log(opResult3.data.length); // (B)
console.log(opResult3.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER]); // (5)
//console.log(opResult3.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE]); // (6)
console.log("oh no");
console.log("not module");
console.log("op error");
If I use (1) --> output of (A) is 4 (my module has 4 items)
If I use (2) --> output of (A) is 1 --> what happened?
If I use (1) + (3) + (5)
--> output of (B) is (for individual item):
Object { code: "OK", data: Array[1] }
Array [ Object ]
Object { ref: Object, values: Object }
Object { http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier: 15 }
If I use (1) + (4) + (6)
--> output of (B) is:
Object { code: "OK", data: Array[1], warning: Object }
Array [ Object ]
Object { }
--> The different b/w the 2 outputs is the present of the "warning" object. I try to print it also & get the following result:
"Object { message: "The following ArtifacRefs were not available to perform your specified action on, and may have been deleted", data: Array[1] }"
Why the ArtifactRef is available to query other attributes rather than ARTIFACT_TYPE?
I would like to perform some actions on the artifacts of specific type in my module. Any advice for this case? Thank you.
RM.Event.subscribe(RM.Event.ARTIFACT_SELECTED, displayAttrs);
function displayAttrs(artRefs)
if (artRefs.length > 0)
console.log("reading attrs values...\n");
var artRef1 = artRefs[0];
RM.Data.getAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.FORMAT, RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER], function(opResult1)
if (opResult1.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log("op ok");
if (opResult1.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.FORMAT] === RM.Data.Formats.MODULE)
RM.Data.getContentsAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER], function(opResult2) // (1)
//RM.Data.getContentsAttributes(artRef1, [RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE], function(opResult2) // (2)
if (opResult2.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log(opResult2.data.length); // (A)
RM.Data.getAttributes(item.ref, RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER, function(opResult3) // (3)
//RM.Data.getAttributes(item.ref, RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE, function(opResult3) // (4)
if (opResult3.code === RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
console.log(opResult3.data.length); // (B)
console.log(opResult3.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.IDENTIFIER]); // (5)
//console.log(opResult3.data[0].values[RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE]); // (6)
console.log("oh no");
console.log("not module");
console.log("op error");
If I use (1) --> output of (A) is 4 (my module has 4 items)
If I use (2) --> output of (A) is 1 --> what happened?
If I use (1) + (3) + (5)
--> output of (B) is (for individual item):
Object { code: "OK", data: Array[1] }
Array [ Object ]
Object { ref: Object, values: Object }
Object { http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier: 15 }
If I use (1) + (4) + (6)
--> output of (B) is:
Object { code: "OK", data: Array[1], warning: Object }
Array [ Object ]
Object { }
--> The different b/w the 2 outputs is the present of the "warning" object. I try to print it also & get the following result:
"Object { message: "The following ArtifacRefs were not available to perform your specified action on, and may have been deleted", data: Array[1] }"
Why the ArtifactRef is available to query other attributes rather than ARTIFACT_TYPE?
I would like to perform some actions on the artifacts of specific type in my module. Any advice for this case? Thank you.
Accepted answer
I cannot reproduce the same issue with your code in RDNG 5.0.2, and I can see the expected correct result even with (2)+(4)+(6). But I cannot find any related defects fixed in 5.0.1 and 5.0.2, assuming there is indeed a defect in RDNG 5.0. So I'm not quite sure whether the issue has been (indirectly) fixed somehow. If you are still seeing the same issue in your environment, I suggest you just add "IDENTIFIER" along with "ARTIFACT_TYPE" when calling getAttributes() and getContentsAttributes() to make sure that "ArtifactRef" is returned as part of the result.
Hi, thanks for the answer. Even I cannot reproduce the issue today, the same code just works like a charm. I didn't make any change from yesterday when I encountered the issue, I really don't understand. Yesterday I did exactly what you've just suggested by add the "IDENTIFIER" along with "ARTIFACT_TYPE", but whenever the "ARTIFACT_TYPE" is presented, the result array always has only 1 element, if I remove it, it returned 4. It has just driven me in mad...
Anyway, it's fine for me now. Thank you for the effort of trying it out.