RRDI setup page is not available
2 answers
It sounds like you didn't start the RRDI Setup Server. If you're on Windows, you can select Start>IBM Rational Reporting>Start the IBM Rational Reporting Setup Server.
Alternatively, from the command line you can go to <install location>/setup/tool/JazzTeamServer/server and type server.startup.
Then try accessing the URL for the setup page.
I did that but it didn't help.
I found that if it doesn't work I can use port 10080 instead and it worked with the new port .
what am I supposed to write in the RRDI Setup Server URL?
It could be that port 10443 was not working for you if you were using http://my_host:10443/rrdi/setup instead of https://my_host:10443/rrdi/setupĀ (should be https, not http).
The RRDI Setup Server URL should be: https://my_host:10443/jts, assuming that your 10443 port works.
but when I try this URL I get issuer certificate is invalid
1 vote
Try this:
1 vote
Also, assuming this is a CLM/RRDI 5.0.2 installation, the detailed configuration steps can be found in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_5.0.2/com.ibm.rational.rrdi.admin.doc/topics/c_post_tasks_ovr.html