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RRC customized link types in rrdi reports

Naveen Chandani (4812022) | asked Mar 25 '14, 9:18 a.m.
retagged Mar 25 '14, 9:50 a.m. by Jackie Albert (1.6k14947)
I am trying to create report in RRDI based on custom link types in RRC. with the following columns

Link type
Linked Requirement.

I took the 1st column from Requirement table, linked requirement from "Requirement Related Requirements" table. It is showing the data for only 2 link types. Although the requirement has 4 different link types attached to it. 2 link types data is missing.

Can you please help?

One answer

permanent link
Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Mar 25 '14, 9:50 a.m.
What are the other link types that are missing?  There are some link types, such as "Related Artifacts" that aren't included in RRDI. 

Naveen Chandani commented Mar 25 '14, 10:06 a.m.

Well I think, I figured it out.

the reason it was not showing, when we create custom link types, it has A to B and then B to A. In above case it is showing only B to A.

To answer your question, all 4 are custom link types.

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