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What can be customized in a RRC project template and what/how in a RRC process template?

Maria Victoria Martinez Torino (14924559) | asked Apr 30 '15, 10:13 a.m.
Based on other posts I found in this forum, configuration related to artifacts, attributes, and folder structure is stored in the Project Template.This is something we have been doing for many years and we know the basics on how to do it.
As for the configuration related to roles and permissions, this is contained in the Process Template. am I missing anything else? Is there anything else that can be configured and extracted to a process template? How that can be done? I don't have very clear if that could be done using the eclipse client as I would usually do for building and customizing RTC and RQM process templates.
Look forward to your comments.

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Diane Everitt (27835) | answered Apr 30 '15, 10:29 a.m.

Hello Vicky,

Perhaps, the following article will help:


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