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Jazz Build in perpetual PENDING state, even when jazz build engine is running

Donald Flinchum (11417) | asked Jan 31 '20, 5:04 p.m.

I have an RTC client and server at level I have created an RTC Jazz build engine on the RTC client that is IDLE, and has a corresponding engine on a Redhat box at level 6.0.1. The build engine is running - waiting for requests. When I request a build, the result is PENDING. I have booted the machine, deleted/recreated the build engine, restarted RTC, but to no avail. Any idea what is wrong?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 03 '20, 2:31 a.m.

 I have done this over and over with almost all versions of RTC. If the build request stays in pending, something is wrong. Wrong build engine ID, supporting the build definition or whatever mismatch. 

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