[closed] II V I soloing problem...

Ive been learning jazz for a while mainly from Mel bay's complete jazz guitar method.
My problem is that no matter what i do, my solos dont sound jazzy at all.
Ive learned all my scales and arpeggios etc... but when i solo over a II V I it just sounds awful.
Another problem is that i hate these jazz backing tracks on youtube so i write my own usually using a swing groove.
If anyone can guid me in this or name a book or whatever it would be much appreciated.
PS: I've been playing guitar for 6 years now, classical first and then Metal and shred, now JAZZ.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by rschoon Jan 18 '16, 2:42 a.m.
Davyd Norris
Jan 17 '16, 6:34 p.m.While this is not a Jazz music forum, I'll comment on your actual question :-)
Mel Bay's is a great method for the fundamentals of jazz - definitely keep going on that. But what you really need after spending time learning the chord theory is some instruction on improvisation.
Try Jerry Bergonzi's stuff, and also try getting hold of Jaimie Aebersold's II V I specific resources - he made a few of them.
The other books I have found to be awesome are:
The Advancing Guitarist (by Mick Goodrick)
Jazz Guitar Study Series (by Barry Galbraith)
Good luck