How to go back to previous workitem state?
2 answers
It's not a product usage issue, as this is defined in the work flow. Check the current work flow whether there is a route to move "Verification" to "In-Progress".
Can I change the work flow to add a route to move back from "Verfication" to "In-Progress" so that it can be applied to the current work items without affecting the data?
Yes, but what data are you concerned about? there will be a history entry that shows it changed state. but nothing else should change
1 vote
As long as you work flow retains the states registered at the existing work items, there should not be any effects on the current data.
Note the work flow is usually driven by the business need, not the tool itself - it is how you do things, regardless which tool you use. When the work flow is well defined (forget about any tools, you can just draw it on a piece of paper), you can then implement it in the tool of your choice.