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RTC Custom Precondition - Not able to access Junit View Part(eclipse api) in custom pre condition

One answer

If the plugin works with an Eclipse development environment (see https://jazz.net/library/article/1000) but not in the production environment this is the typical issue.
This kind of precondition would have to be deployed and run in the Eclipse client as well, since it refers to a client plugin.
It might be worth to mention that there are related preconditions available already:


Thanks a lot for the quick response!.

I don't know what your state of experience with extending. You can debug Client and Server extensions. See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/setting-up-rational-team-concert-for-api-development/
You should have run the workshop mentioned above and in that post.
You fail to provide information if this is a client or server extension. Errors are in the Eclipse log in the workspace (in .metadata) or in the CCM log on the server.
The extension should refer to a version equal or earlier than available in the target. The API is very stable, so If it works with an earlier verion of the SDK, it usually works with later versions as well.