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Javadoc needed for SDK

Karen Hess (6184) | asked Aug 02 '11, 1:29 p.m.
"What are the plans for IBM to produce javadoc for the API?

For now we have downloaded the 3.0 SDK and generated the javadoc by ourselves, but that is not the desired way for the future. Every time a new SDK is released we have to generate the javadoc by ourselves?

It would be nice if the javadoc is generated and provided by IBM when a new SDK is released.

2 answers

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Aaron LaBella (5143) | answered Aug 06 '11, 7:59 p.m.
I agree ... not having javadocs is pretty painful.

"What are the plans for IBM to produce javadoc for the API?

For now we have downloaded the 3.0 SDK and generated the javadoc by ourselves, but that is not the desired way for the future. Every time a new SDK is released we have to generate the javadoc by ourselves?

It would be nice if the javadoc is generated and provided by IBM when a new SDK is released.

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S M (8622023) | answered Oct 12 '11, 7:30 a.m.
"What are the plans for IBM to produce javadoc for the API?

For now we have downloaded the 3.0 SDK and generated the javadoc by ourselves, but that is not the desired way for the future. Every time a new SDK is released we have to generate the javadoc by ourselves?

It would be nice if the javadoc is generated and provided by IBM when a new SDK is released.

Karen would you mind to share the Javadoc here in the forum?

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