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weblogic server be used with RTC
One answer

Not sure I understand correctly:
Do you want to know if Weblogic is an officially supported platform for the RTC 2.x server?
If so, I assume the answer isno , as seen here:
(although I can't see a reason why it should not run inside a standard servlet container.... it is just simply not covered by the official IBM support SLA, currently)
Please file a WorkItem if this is something you would like to have in the future...
If you want to know if you can use RTC to develop JEE apps that need to be deployed on a WLS -->(yes) as RTC integrates with Eclipse, but JEE development tools are provided by 3rd party plug-ins like Eclipse WTP
http://www.eclipse.org/home/categories/index.php?category=enterprise or IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD).
Hope that helps
Do you want to know if Weblogic is an officially supported platform for the RTC 2.x server?
If so, I assume the answer is
(although I can't see a reason why it should not run inside a standard servlet container.... it is just simply not covered by the official IBM support SLA, currently)
Please file a WorkItem if this is something you would like to have in the future...
If you want to know if you can use RTC to develop JEE apps that need to be deployed on a WLS -->
http://www.eclipse.org/home/categories/index.php?category=enterprise or IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD).
Hope that helps