Link Requirements (Artifacts) to test case from Rest Client

One answer

You will need to use the OSLC QM V2 API in RQM (see and to add the TestCase/oslc_qm:validatesRequirement link and the OSLC RM V2 API in RDNG/RRC (see to add the Requirement/oslc_rm:validatedBy link.
To become more familiar with these OSLC APIs, read the WIKIs and try the following:
1. Create a resource in the web UI.
2. GET the resource XML using the API.
3. Update a property in the resource XML.
4. PUT the resource XML using the API.
To become more familiar with these OSLC APIs, read the WIKIs and try the following:
1. Create a resource in the web UI.
2. GET the resource XML using the API.
3. Update a property in the resource XML.
4. PUT the resource XML using the API.