Is it possible to make the Comments field required as part of a state change in RTC?
Accepted answer
Hi Geoffrey,
Vijay Reddy.
See one of Ralph's workshops, such as:
For specific questions, first do a search on the forum questions.
2 other answers
May be you would like to explain in details with use-cases. As workaround, i suggest to use the "Discussion" Text box whenever there is change in the status of the work item. you can also sort the comments in any order you like.
Hope this helps.
I think Vijay was looking for a way to make this comment mandatory, i.e. every time I changed the status, I would be required to add a new comment for that status change.
Thanks for the response. Specifically, we want to make the Comment under the discussion Section of the Defect required when entering taking the Resolve action (and entering the Resolve state). In this way, we can require the resolving user to provide a comment in the existing thread.
I tried to load a screenshot, but the site says I need a reputation >60 to upload an image :-(
Note that this would work only if there was only a single state that needed a comment, and that when they transitioned out of that state, and then back into it, they didn't need an additional comment. One could handle different comments for different states by having multiple comment fields, i.e. "done-comment", "open-comment", "verified-comment", but that still would not deal with transitioning multiple times into a given state.
Abdelrahman Hassan
Oct 10 '17, 12:45 p.m.Hello Danial - It's appreciated to share with us if you were able to handle this requirement.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 10 '17, 1:56 a.m.Everything there is to know is already in the answers. Summary if you are too busy to read the answers: