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RM.Data.createLink results in OPERATION_BAD_REQUEST (DNG JS API)

Thomas Noack (60215) | asked Mar 28 '15, 12:52 p.m.
edited Mar 28 '15, 12:54 p.m.
Hello everybody,

i'm trying to link two DNG resources via TypeScript (i.e. DNG JavaScript Api). The following operation results in OPERATION_BAD_REQUEST :

.Data.createLink(this.artifact, RM.Data.LinkTypes.EMBEDS, pickedModule, function(result) {
      console.log("Link-Status: " + result.code + " - " + result.message);

this.artifact    : Single resource retrieved by RM.Event.subscribe(RM.Event.ARTIFACT_SELECTED ...)
pickedModule : Module resource retrieved by RM.Client.showArtifactPicker(...)

Both resources exist in within the callback function. Does anyone has an idea, what might be the problem?

Best regards
-- Thomas Noack

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 03 '15, 5:07 a.m.
The function works as expected, at least with RNDG 5.0.1. Without further details, it's hard to say what problem you were facing. I would guess either of the two artifacts in the function call is invalid (undefined or something).

To determine, examine the /rm/links POST request payload using a network tracing tool such as Firebug or the Chrome built-in tool. You should see the "subject", "object" and "predicate" well defined. Or you can set a break point at the code where the "createLink" function is and check whether "this.artifact" and "pickedModule" are valid (of the type RM.ArtifactRef) at run time.

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